Saturday, June 23, 2012


It would seem that I've become a seasonal blogger. I'm not going to say, this time, that I am totally back in the blogging world because really, you just never know! I simply want to inform you of a delicious summer libation that I created in my kitchen only moments ago...

I call it, summertime.

The ingredients are in the picture, (white rum, diet lemon-lime soda, white wine, welch's passion fruit concentrate) and I'm not going to pretend like I measured anything because I certainly did not. But when you mix it together it's delicious. 

I will say...don't forget that the Welch's passion fruit is a concentrate, so use scarcely or prepare to delude it with a looot of lemon-lime soda. (or wine? yes? no? whatev.)

Spruce it Up!
- - Add some frozen mango, pineapple or other tropical fruit! 

Bottoms up! :)