So, I've been thinking a bit about self worth lately. What all goes into it? Where does it come from? And, unfortunately, I feel like it rarely comes from the right place.
Recently, I've been finding a lot of my self worth in my current employment status. I am unemployed. And everyday I wake up, open my computer, and apply to as many jobs as I can. Once I've completed enough to make me feel accomplished and productive, I close my computer and relax for about 2 minutes, then I start excessively checking the email on my phone.
As the day progresses, I start feeling worse and worse about myself, no responses must mean I'm no good, right?
But it's not easy to remember that. And after almost 2 months of this, it's almost impossible to remember that. And that's just silly.
Why am I putting so much power in the hands of these employers? A power that they probably have zero idea that they have (nor do they want). It's not fair to them and it's not fair to me (or to us, I can't be the only person guilty of this, right?)
I have made being unemployed my whole identity to myself. Job descriptions are constantly telling me how qualified I am. At what? Life? No, Hayley, just that position, calm down.
Basically what I'm trying to say is, I've decided to no longer base my self worth on my unemployment, because I am confident that the right opportunity will come my way soon enough, and I want to be just as happy now as I will be then.
So, to all my fellow unemployees; we are fighting the good fight, soldier on, keep the faith, and trust that you're still awesome.
BONUS: How to get through unemployment...
1. Learn something new - I've been learning to sew and I made a skirt!
2. Write about it - I mean, why not. It can get emotional. Start a journal and make it funny, like pretend unemployment is a deserted island and you're stuck on it.
3. Read the book "How To Cope With Unemployment (Without Going Crazy)." - I haven't, but I probably should.
4. Better your self-branding - Here's an article to help you that.
5. Work out - Is this one obvious? Because I have yet to take it on.
Ok. Thanks for reading.
Bye friends.
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