Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Not-So Traditional Hair Color

Since I was a Senior in high school, I have had red hair. Obviously, it isn't natural, but It's %100 me now, and I don't plan on changing it.

HOWEVER, have you seen the Katy Perry documentary? Because now I really just want candy colored hair.

She is so stunning! Ever since watching "Katy Perry: Part of Me", I can't stop thinking about how I want to rock a non-traditional hair color.

Here are some images that are keeping me inspired.

I think my favorite is the last one. Lavender hair is just super appealing to me right now! I looove it! And how unique is that first soft blue color? So cool.

At what point in your professional life can you commit to doing something like this to your hair? Obviously it's not for everyone, nor would it be appropriate in every office, but it'd be pretty cool if you worked somewhere where it wouldn't be a big deal!

I don't know. I'm not bold enough to do it right now, but in the future I want to. I think it'd be cool to do right after having my first kid haha. (which is not happening soon, plenty of time to think about it)

What color would you dye your hair right now if work (or whatever else might hold you back) wasn't an issue!?

Thanks for reading!
Bye friends.