So here's what went down...
Everyone has their ideal TV station to watch while at the gym. Mine is TLC and it's on the farthest TV. So when I arrived at the gym Sunday evening, around 10:45..I immediately walked to the second furthest elliptical, as I always do if it's open, noticed that hoarders was on, thought to myself "oh hell yea" and proceeded to ready myself and the machine for a light 20 minute work out.
I was mortified when I realized that strange sex was coming up and there was not a darn thing I could do about it. And on an even MORE TERRIBLE was about this freaky guy who got turned on by DRINKING HIS WIFES BREAST MILK. Are you kidding me!? I could not even make this stuff up. So there I am, on the eliptical, right in front of the giant TV with a dude drinking out of his wifes BOOB on it. I mean, what!? Why!? WHY ME!?
Luckily I was just slightly close enough to the next TV to where if I dramatically turned my head enough I could totally show everyone that I was not into the nasty boob guy, and was all about "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." And since it was 11:00pm on a Sunday, the gym wasn't exactly hoppin' but still, there was enough activity going on for me to panic during the last ten minutes of my eliptical work out.
And there it is folks. Probably the begining of a long line of "One time at the gym..." blog posts because let me tell's surely not where you will find me at my finest. So until next time..............................
I don't know what goes after that so bye.